• #12-1. Tissue Repair Stimulating Agent with Nucleic Acid

    Park Eunsoo nametag


    ▶ Previous Artlcle : #11-2. Dermal Fibroblasts


    Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN), containing deoxyribonucleotide polymers where 50 to 2,000 base pairs are combined in a chain, is known to accelerate cell proliferation by activating A2 suptype purinergic receptor and salvage pathway. PDRN was first approved for clinical use in Italy as a tissue repair stimulating agent. In Korea, it was indicated for tissue repair and treatment of wound in skin graft in 2008 by KFDA. Its wound healing effect is inevitably accompanied by formation and improvement of a scar. PDRN can also be applied to different clinical indications as it increases blood supply by stimulating vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). MediSobizaNews in Korea published an article titled ‘PDRN injection: Immediate effect on the treatment of various conditions, including alopecia, without side effects’ on September 22, 2011. This article discusses the following;


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    In place of platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection that has been used for the treatment of degenerative arthritis, bursitis, tendon rupture, alopecia, acne, scar and wound, polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) injection is gaining traction as an immediate therapy without infection or side effects. PRP injection is commonly used for the treatment of degenerative arthritis, bursitis, tendon rupture and frozen shoulder with 3-4 times superior efficacy. However, blood collection and processing is quite cumbersome, the effect may vary depending on the skill of the technician, yield of the processing kit and the patient’s blood condition. Moreover, there is a risk of infection during the processing. On the contrary, PDRN is injectable without the process of blood collection and concentration and is free from the risks of infection and side effects. It is convenient enough to be dubbed a ready-made PRP. It also allows injection under the real-time guidance of arthroscopy or ultrasound image as in existing PRP/Prolotherapy. PDRN is introduced as a fundamental treatment for adhesive capsulitis by relieving the adhesion while simultaneoulsy reducing the inflammation and regenerating the damaged tissue. When applied to alopecia, PDRN improves blood circulation to the scalp and induces new hair growth in about 4-6 weeks, making it a new therapy for follicular cell regeneration, capillary neoformation and scalp tissue regeneration. PDRN in the course of hair transplantation also markedly improves the survival rate of transplanted hair and postoperative edema. For skin resurfacing, PDRN facilitates the regeneration and growth of fibroblasts and improves blood supply to the skin, which are helpful for maintaining skin elasticity.


    -To be continued-


    ▶Next Artlcle :  #12-2. Tissue Repair Stimulating Agent with Nucleic Acid

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