• #2-3. Considering an Attractive Face



    The Korean race is largely divided into Northern and Southern Mongoloids. Southern Mongoloids are people who came into the Korean peninsula from South East Asia and Northern Mongoloids are those that came from Central Asia and Siberia. Northern and Southern Mongoloids present very different physical characteristics and can be easily distinguished based on the appearance.

    Northern Mongoloids have narrow eyes, a long nose bridge and thin lips. Such characteristics may have developed from adjusting to the cold climate where narrow eyes probably dried less easily from the light reflected by snow or ice. A longer nose bridge can more effectively warm the air before it reaches the lungs. Thin lips also help preserve heat. The lower jaws and teeth are developed for chewing hard, frozen meat.

    On the other hand, Southern Mongoloids have large eyes with a fold in the upper eyelid, thick eyebrows, flared ala, thick lips, and a short face. Knowing the differences between Northern Mongoloid and Southern Mongoloid faces can help a surgeon achieve outcomes that do not disturb the overall balance of the face. If the surgeon uses a dermal filler to elongate the nose bridge in a round Southern Mongoloid face, it may create an awkward appearance.


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    Preference of the smaller lower face


    Looking at photos of people who are known for their attractive faces, one can get an idea of what is considered attractive today. It is important to understand the properties of a camera lens. Camera lenses tend to make close objects appear large and far objects appear small. Therefore, taking a full-body photograph using a wide-angle lens at a low angle will make the model appear taller, with a smaller face and longer legs.


    Figure 7. Picture of the author taken from a lower camera angle.


    Figure 8. Camera positioning for a full-body photograph.


    When the photographer takes a photo from a lower height (on his knee), the model appears taller in the resulting photo. Many selfies of attractive people are taken from about 15 degrees higher than the face and 45 degrees from the side. This makes the lower face appear smaller.


    Figure 9. Selfies taken in the above described angle.


    -To be continued




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