• #3-1. Blepharoplasty: Precautions and Surgical Techniques



    What are the conditions of attractive eyes? Each person may have different preferences when it comes to what makes the eyes attractive. In this article, we will take a close look at the universal standards.


    Conditions of Attractive Eyes


    People generally think large eyes are beautiful. The eyes do not have to be very big to be considered beautiful but disproportionately small eyes are unlikely to be considered attractive. The size of an eye is measured both vertically (length) and horizontally (width). According to the golden ration, when the width of the face is divided into five equal vertical segments, attractive eyes would fill the second and fourth segments. It is also ideal for the width of the eyes to be similar to the width of the glabella. In Asians, the glabella should be slightly wider than the width of the eyes to appear more natural. I have covered these measurements in the April issue (Figure 1).


    Figure 1. As in the golden ratio, the width of the glabella and the width of the eyes should be similar to be aesthetically pleasing.


    However, the average lengths in Koreans are slightly different from the golden ratio (Figure 2).

    According to the text book, Plastic Surgery, Asians have a glabella that is much wider than the width of the eye. In my opinion, C is smaller than A in many people and may make the eyes appear farther apart (Figure 2).


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    Another condition of attractive eyes would be that the area of the nasal scleral triangle is similar or slightly smaller to that of the lateral scleral triangle (Figure 3).

    Figure 3. Ideal area of the sclera.


    -To be continued


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