• #1-6. Combined Treatment for Hair Loss and Moritherapy



    ▶ Previous Artlcle: #1-5. Combined Treatment for Hair Loss and Moritherapy 


    Moritherapy is a combined treatment therapy for hair loss, applying the high growth factor, which brings the results more quickly and is more satisfactory than existing program.


    Usually, hair growth occurs in the 5th to 8th weeks and the hair becomes thicker. It has been every effective in treating severe male/female alopecia, extensive alopecia totalis, hair loss after chemotherapy, postpartum telogen effluvium, pediatric alopecia, acute telogen effluvium, etc.


    In 3 months, a lot of new hairs are formed and the hairs become thicker. New hairs grow in size and thickness, giving full strength to the hairs.


    After 6 months later, the hairs gather together to form a forest. That is a combination treatment, i.e., Moritherapy, for hair loss, which applies high growth factor.



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    Cases of Moritherapy Procedure


    Hair transplantation is an effective treatment that can bring satisfaction in just one procedure. However, not all patients can be satisfied with hair transplant. 


    There are many more patients than expected, who are afraid of surgery and cannot make decision easily on hair transplant because they do not want their colleagues to know that they underwent the surgery to transplant hairs.


    A patient visited the clinic, who had male pattern alopecia affecting the hairs extensively in the area from the top of the head to the forehead hairline.


    As the patient did not want to expose the area with missing hairs, she covered the bald area with the hairs on the side of the head every day at the workplace.


    Recently, the hair loss has become more severe and could not be concealed by hair styling. So, she visited the clinic for treatment.




    Figure 1. A male hair loss patient in his 40s who want a look of stylish hairs. Before the Moritherapy(left), after 24 weeks after therapy(right) 



    -To be continued


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