• #2-2. Basic Knowledge of Hair Loss


    ▶ Previous Artlcle: #2-1. Basic Knowledge of Hair Loss 



    Hair growth cycle


    Hair has lifecycle in the same way as human beings.


    The life of hair is divided into 'anagen' in which hair continues to grow, 'catagen' in which the growth stops and the bulb of hair shrinks, and 'telogen' in which hair only stays on the skin and grows no more until it falls out.


    That is called the 'hair cycle'.


    The anagen stage spans 3-6 years, the catagen stage lasts 1-3 weeks, the telogen stage continues about 3-6 months.


    Hair loss naturally occurs after 3-6 years. At the end of the telogen stage, the stage 'return to anagen' begins, where new hair is produced.



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    *Stage 1: Anagen Stage


    The growing stage is the phase in which hair is produced and hard keratin is created in the hair follicles and the hair continues to grow by itself.


    Hair in anagen stage grows about 1cm to 1.5cm per month, has a lifespan is 3-6 years and comprises 80-90% of all hairs. This can be changed, particularly under the influence of food, hormones, vitamins, etc. 



    Figure 1. Hair growth cycle.



    -To be continued

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