• [SELENE] Fast and painless hair removal improves satisfaction of both patient and doctor I

    Patients are concerned with hair removal not only in the summer but throughout the year. Besides patients with hypertrichosis, those receiving hair removal in the summer suffer from inflammation due to frequent treatment. Those who travel abroad also seek hair removal treatments as they desire to look good on the beach. Safe, effective and painless hair removal procedures are necessary for these patients who seek to appear attractive in their swim wear.


    [Advertisement] Selene(Diode hair removal Laser) – Manufacturer: (www.senbitec.com)]


    SELENE offers comfortable and accurate treatment for patients as well as doctors. It is a hair removal laser that is safe in all types of skin and has excellent efficacy. SELENE shortens the treatment time with a large spot size. The dual cooling system reduces pain and increases patient satisfaction. Benefits for patients can be summarized as below.

    Safety: Selective absorption of melanin within follicles minimizes damage of surrounding tissues and selectively destroys follicles.

    Less Pain: SELENE has strong dual cooling system of air cooling and contact cooling that effectively reduce pain during hair removal treatment.


    Image 1. Handpiece.


    -To be continued-



    ▶ Next Artlcle : [SELENE] Fast and painless hair removal improves satisfaction of both patient and doctor II

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