• #1-2. Combined Treatment for Hair Loss and Moritherapy



    ▶ Previous Artlcle: #1-1. Combined Treatment for Hair Loss and Moritherapy 



    Restoration of Hair Growth Cycle


    Hair loss treatment is largely divided into surgical treatment(hair transplantation) and non-surgical treatment. Hair transplantation has recently made even more sophisticated, considerable satisfaction with the results can be expected with just KRW 10,000 if a person does not have a fear of surgery.


    However, surgery is not appropriate for patients with pediatric alopecia, adolescent alopecia, extensive alopecia totalis, extensive alopecia universalis, hair loss after chemotherapy, acute telogen effluvium, and patients with fear of surgery.


    Particularly, hair transplantation at young age should be preceded by careful consideration because hasty decision may bring more undesirable results.


    Therefore, non-surgical treatment that increases the thickness and density of hair by ameliorating existing hairs as much as possible may be a more common and effective treatment.



    [Ad. ▶HYPERION(Nd:YAG) - Manufacturer: LASEROPTEK(www.laseroptek.com)

    HELIOSⅡ/LOTUSⅡ/HYPERION – Manufacturer: LASEROPTEK(www.laseroptek.com)



    This author also started to develop hair loss in late teenage years due to hereditary male hair loss, and in the late 20s.


    As the hair loss in the top of the head became severe, this author visited every renowned hair loss clinic across the country.


    This author has been taking finasteride agents every days since 15 years before, and has been using the minoxidil solution, the hair growth solution, and anti-hair loss shampoo, and as a result, has maintained the hairs in almost normal condition.


    Based on such experience, this author started a hair loss clinic and applied non-surgical treatments to countless number of patients for 13 years, and most patients have shown satisfaction with the results.



    Figure 1. Drug therapy for hair loss. 



    -To be continued

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