• #3-3. What Are the Causes of Hair Loss?



    ▶ Previous Artlcle : #3-2. What Are the Causes of Hair Loss? 



    The enzyme 5-alpha reductase is active in the area where hair loss occurs.


    Propecia, which is used as a remedy for male-pattern baldness, inhibits this enzyme.


    Women have about the half the amount of 5-alpha reductase than men have, but they have a lot of aromatase.


    Female’s baldness pattern differs from male’s because lots of aromatase inhibiting DHT generation is distributed particularly around the frontal hairline.


    DHT varies according to region, culture and race.


    For example, white males have relatively more 5-alpha reductase than Asian males, making them hairier and more likely to become bald.



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    Causes of and Mechanisms behind Aging


    The 2009 Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine, including Elizabeth Blackburn discovered the mechanism behind aging through telomeres found at the ends of chromosomes.


    Telomere, a compound of the Greek telos (end) and meros (part), refers to a region of base sequences at the end of chromosomes where six nucleotides (AATCCC, TTAGGG, etc.) repeat more than thousands of times.


    Telomere prevents chromosomes from being damaged or from being combined with other chromosomes.


    Its length becomes shorter and shorter at every single cell division, and when the number of cell division exceeds a certain point, its length becomes so small that the cell stops dividing itself and dies.


    Aging is the result of the loss of all telomeres and the damage to chromosomes. 



    Picture 2. Changes in the length of a telomere while aging is in progress. 




    -To be continued

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