• #4-3. Types of Hair Loss



    ▶ Previous Artlcle : #4-2. Types of Hair Loss 



    However, it does not mean that just many male hormones lead to hair loss.


    Even if a lot of male hormones are actively secreted after puberty, hair loss does not occur in those with no genetic factor.


    Both excessive production of DHT and genetic factors decide absence or presence of hair loss.



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    5α-reductases are present mainly in prostate glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, etc., and especially higher levels of DHT are produced from hair follicles in the forehead, M-shaped part and crown of the head.


    Only in those with any genetic factor, in this case, DHT reacts with hair follicles and then causes them to shrink until hair becomes fine and falls off.


    Since male pattern hair loss is accompanied by the development of sebaceous glands highly connected to male hormones, alopecia seborrheica occurs concurrently with male pattern hair loss in many cases.



    Figure 3. Difference between Healthy Hair and Thin Hair.



    -To be continued

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