• #9-3. History and Benefits of Vitamin C: Selecting the Right Vitamin C


    Circulation and Vascular Strength

    Healthy blood vessels and circulation is directly related with vitamin C’s antioxidant action and collagenesis promotion. That is, damaged vascular endothelium is restored through antioxidant action and collagenesis helps maintain vascular elasticity.

    Oxidized vitamin C is called dehydroascorbic acid (DHA). DHA degrades into oxalic acid and is renally excreted. Due to its high affinity to calcium, oxalic acid can be effectively used to remove vascular plaques in atherosclerosis. It is used as an effective treatment in atherosclerosis, cerebral infarction, and myocardial infarction. This treatment is called chelation therapy.

    In theory, when excess calcium is deposited in the kidney during renal excretion of oxalic acid, it can cause kidney stones. However, scholars have differing opinions on whether long-term vitamin C therapy leads to a higher risk of kidney stones. In my experience, none of the patients who received megadose vitamin C (80g and higher) therapy 1-3 times weekly for three years developed kidney stones. My guess is that megadose vitamin C IVNT has a high water content and this probably helps release of calcium in urine before deposits develop.


    Other Benefits of Vitamin C


    Immune Support

    Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune functions of white blood cells. Various studies showed the white blood cell function differed greatly between individuals with sufficient vitamin C supplementation and those with vitamin C deficiency. However, one should note that the recommended daily dose of 100mg to 200mg is ineffective in strengthening white blood cells. Immune support is reported to be seen at daily doses of at least 1,000mg. I recommend taking at least 6,000mg if suffering from a cold for stronger immune support.

    Strong immunity is important as it can help fight off diseases. Prevention is the best cure.



    Vitamin C can act as a natural antihistamine. It breaks the molecular structure of histamines which cause allergic reactions to alleviate allergic symptoms. Vitamin C does not tackle the cause of allergic reactions, nor is it as effective as the commercial antihistamine products. However, long-term daily intake of vitamin C can gradually reduce allergic reactions.

    For anti-allergic action to be seen, the daily dose should be at least 500-1,000mg.


    Stimulation of Adrenal Hormone

    In the human body, vitamin C is most abundant in the adrenal gland. Adrenal glands are small glands (3×5cm, 7-10g, each) that sit above each kidney. The inside of adrenal gland is called adrenal medulla and outside adrenal cortex. In conditions of shock or stress, adrenal medulla releases adrenaline and noradrenalin. On the other hand, theadrenal cortex releases cortisol which helps endure consistent and chronic stress such as difficult social relationships, financial problems, and work, etc. Vitamin C is used as an important ingredient for hormones released from theadrenal gland. In particular, it is mostly used in releasing cortisol.

    People with chronic stress or adrenal stress lack cortisol. People with cortisol deficiency are vulnerable to viral or bacterial infection and have a higher sensitivity to pain. They may be easily angered and often be in a sour mood. Their doctor may tell them their pain is psychosomatic and resting is the best remedy. If you are often in pain and bad mood, you may be lacking cortisol. Regular supplementation of vitamin C can help restore healthy adrenal gland function and improve your mood and even quality of life.


    Promotion of Iron Absorption

    Vitamin Chelps intestinal absorption of iron. It is advisable to eat iron-rich foods such as yellow, red and green vegetables, liver, seaweed, and egg yolk with vitamin C. People with anemia or pregnant women who need iron supplementation can benefit from taking vitamin C. Iron supplements that are commonly available have already improved absorption and do not need to be taken with vitamin C.


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    Melanin Inhibition

    Let us talk about the efficacy of oral and topical vitamin C in terms of melanin inhibition. Pigmentation of the skin is carried out in two ways; melanin production and melanin migration. Melanocytes in the dermis produce melanin when exposed to UV rays. Tyrosinase is an important enzyme involved in melanin production. Vitamin C inhibits tyrosinase function to prevent melanin production.

    The skin also darkens when existing melanin migrates to a skin cells. Vitamin C can also inhibit melanin migration. However, this action can be better achieved by topically applying vitamin C compared to oral intake.

    Therefore, using both methods – topical and oral administrations – can help clear away unwanted dark spots. Oral vitamin C can inhibit melanin production and topical vitamin C can help prevent hyperpigmentation.


    Vitamin C in Constipation

    Lastly, Iwould like to share my knowhow on managing patients with constipation. This is based on the principle that excess oral intake of vitamin C is not absorbed and intestinally excreted. Vitamin C absorption differs depending on the body condition. In a very healthy state, oral intake of 1,000-3,000mg is completely absorbed. However, a larger dose is needed if you have a cold, inflammation, or are fatigued. This is why it is difficult to suggest a uniform daily dosage. Excess vitamin C that the body does not need is excreted. As it gets excreted, vitamin C adheres to water and causes diarrhea. Based on this principle Dr. Robert Cathcart, an American orthopedic surgeon, established the maximal vitamin C dose that can be taken without causing diarrhea.

    However, also based on this principle, vitamin C can be used to alleviate constipation. I strongly recommend it to those who have severe constipation. And as vitamin C does not lead to tolerance, it can be repeated whenever symptoms develop. You may think you are wasting vitamin C as it is not absorbed but the unabsorbed vitamin C is not entirely wasted as it has antioxidant action on the intestinal mucosa.


    -To be continued

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