• #17-1. Lactocapromer Terpolymer Matrix (Suprathel)

    Park Eunsoo nametag


    ▶ Previous Artlcle : #16-2. Understanding and Clinical Application of basic Fibroblast Growth Factors (bFGF)


    Lactocapromer Terpolymer Matrix (Suprathel)


    Along with biological agents that promote wound healing, synthetic dressings have recently been introduced. They consist of biodegradable synthetic materials and provide epidermal coverage of open wounds. In other words, synthetic dressings allow permeation of oxygen and moisture but inhibit infiltration of harmful bacteria.

    In this article, we will take a close look at Suprathel, a bioengineered skin substitute of lactocapromer terpolymer matrix that promotes wound healing.


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    The composition of Suprathel is lacto-capromer terpolymer with the key constituents of polylactate, trimethy carbonate, and ε-Caprolactone. It is in the form of porous membrane, with 80% of the surface area being pores of 2-50 micrometers in size. Suprathel was developed by PMI (PolyMedics Innovations GmbH) of Germany. It has excellent plasticity, stretching over 200% of its original size and has vapor permeability of 40~70ml/m² per hour,whichtranslatesintoabout1.000~1.700mlperday.

    In a clinical application to severe epidermal damage such as a burn wound, debridement is carried out before wound coverage with Suprathel. Then, paraffin gauze is applied as a secondary coverage. Once applied to the wound, Suprathel turns transparent within minutes and allows observation of the wound healing process. In about two weeks, scabs form due to exudation of fibrins which leads to wound epithelization and exfoliation. However, Suprathel is generally biodegraded in about 4 weeks of application regardless of wound healing.

    Suprathel does not require change of dressing after a single application, thereby more effectively promoting epithelization, reducing pain from frequent dressing and enhancing the convenience of the doctor and patient. As most wounds heal in 2 weeks, Suprathel helps reduce the hospitalization period as well as scarring.


    Fig 1. Mechanism of action of lactocapromer terpolymer matrix (Suprathel)

    Fig 2. Water vapor and oxygen permeability and bacterial impermeability of lactocapromer terpolymer matrix.


    -To be continued-


    ▶ Next Artlcle : #17-2. Lactocapromer Terpolymer Matrix (Suprathel)

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