• #2-1. Various Hair Transplant Methods


    ▶ Previous Artlcle: http://1-3-various-hair-transplant-methods



    In order to perform a hair transplant into the desired site, hair follicles need to be taken from the back of the head. When a hair transplant was first introduced, hair follicles were taken from the back of the head in the form of punch-graft or mini-graft and then transplanted intactly. As hair transplant techniques have evolved since then, A scalp tissue is incised in the form of a strip, dissected one by one as follicular unit, and then transplanted.


    In the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS), this method is called the Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS). Recently, the Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), which refers to extracting hair follicle tissues one by one without incision, has also been used frequently, along with the FUSS. Usually known as ‘non-incision hair transplant’, the FUE involves extracting samples as follicular unit in the entire hair transplant process.


    Initially, when a post-FUSS linear scar was unwanted or a small transplant was carried out, the FUE method was partially and intermittently used, but currently, this method is being used often for the general hair loss and hairline correction and even for a large hair transplant. However, the FUE method requires a longer sampling time and increases the surgeon’s fatigue level than the FUSS method. In this issue, the FUE sampling method will be dealt with in detail as below.


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    Sampling Devices


    Manual Device


    The manual device is a tool used along with the FUE at a time when the FUE was first introduced. It is similar to the punch biopsy often used by dermatologists. The user has to hold the device with one hand to cause an oscillation movement and at the same time, extract hair follicle tissues using a tool such as forceps after inserting a punch tip into the dermis layer.


    The diameter of the punch should be approximately 1mm irrespective of device. Since it requires manual manipulation, this method is too hard on the user's hands and shoulders. The depth and speed for sampling should remain constant just by the user's sense of touch, and sampling duration is too long. Therefore, the manual device has recently been replaced by machine devices in most cases. 


    - To be continued

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