• #2-4. Various Hair Transplant Methods


    ▶ Previous Artlcle: http://2-3-various-hair-transplant-methods


    Transplant Method


    Even if hair follicles have been obtained via FUE, it does not mean that a transplant method gets different. The hair follicles taken are inserted into a hair implanter. Unlike the hair follicles that go through the separation process after taken via FUSS, however, the hair follicles taken via FUE still have epidermis intactly. It is possible to trim it, but this may cause damage to hair follicles.


    Therefore, the author has inserted the hair follicles taken into the hair implanter and transplanted them while leaving the epidermis untouched. This has made no difference in postoperative survival rates and outcomes, though greater caution is required in controlling the depth of hair follicle tissues after the transplant.


    Related complications


    Hidden Transection


    The FUE punching is considered to be a blind surgery in some ways. This is because the surgeon cannot know with the unaided eye what damage the punch tip inserted to obtain hair follicles actually cause within the scalp. In this regard, the author obtained a hair follicle via FUE in the form of a strip.


    Then, he confirmed whether or not the surrounding hair follicles were damaged using a high-resolution microscope. As a result, it was found that normal hair follicle tissues around some punch holes were transected or damaged, verifying that the FUE punching may affect even the surrounding normal hair follicle tissues.


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    Donor Depletion


    There is a growing number of patients with extensive alopecia and those who want a large hair transplant to increase satisfaction. As for FUE punching, the hair taken at the donor site does not regrow permanently. Therefore, if a large amount of hair is taken from the entire back of the head, the patient will have thin hair at the back of the head and lack the hair follicles necessary for the secondary hair transplant.


    The donor depletion may result in the sampling out of the designated safe donor area. The hair follicle tissues taken that way is less likely to be maintained for a long time.


    Low Survival Rate


    The ultimate goal of FUE sampling is to obtain the hair follicle tissues which are as similar to those obtained via FUSS as possible. When the hair follicle tissues were taken, in the past, the quantity was prioritize over the quality. However, the hair follicles obtained using the initial FUE method were too skinny to produce high survival rates or excellent results.


    Recently, many surgeons are concentrating on obtaining higher-quality hair follicles. Of course, these technical changes may increase surgical time, modified punches have been variously developed by applying dull punches to minimize damage to hair follicles.      


    - To be continued



    [Advertisement] FCR® (Fractional Prickle CoralCalcium Regentron) – Manufacturer: (www.illglobal.com)]



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