• #7-2. Filler Injection in Taiwan



    The Concept of Beauty

    Asians tend to have a wider face with shorter vertical height, which is flat or concave in the medial maxilla and has a lack of brow, nasal, and chin projection. They also have greater infra-orbital volume, and fuller lips.


    The current ideals for the female face in Taiwan include a smooth, convex forehead, a raised bridge with a petite nose, proportionally balanced full but not prominent lips, and an oval, egg-shaped face (鵝蛋臉) with a “v-shaped’’ jawline. It is a common practice in Taiwan to achieve attractiveness of the patients by narrowing the lower face and increasing vertical height of the face.


    Augmentation of the T zone (the forehead, nose, medial cheeks, and chin) is the fundamental backbone of a three dimensional profile. A well known example is the “YES-pyramid” injection method proposed by Dr. Yu-Pin Peng, who tried to inject the fillers from the bilateral temples all the way along the cheeks, through the nose, and down to the chin, thus making a “Y” shaped injection line.


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    HELIOSⅡ/LOTUSⅡ/HYPERION – Manufacturer: LASEROPTEK(www.laseroptek.com)


    The Upper Face

    Rejuvenation of the forehead skin (decreasing the appearance of wrinkles and folds) is requested less frequently in Taiwan compared with Caucasians. For rejuvenation of temple, the sunken temple is usually considered bad relationship between couples.


    More volume and more emphasis should be placed in the lateral brow area to create the fullness of the temple. Mid-face augmentation often improves the appearance of the tear trough and is recommended as the first step in a whole facial treatment approach.


    Deep augmentation of the cheek can also result in profound changes in all areas of the mid and lower face. Contrary to the Western populations, lateral augmentation of the zygoma (considered a masculine feature) is neither necessary nor appreciated.


    A more rounded “apple” cheek (known as 蘋果肌) without zygomatic emphasis is preferred in Taiwan. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures among Taiwanese people. Augmentation is indicated for the correction of low nasal bridges or slight nasal hump. Routine treatment of the columella is less suggested.


    -To be continued

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