• #8-3. Different Preferences for Beauty by Age



    The differences between the two faces, analyzed by using the BAPA facial analyzer, are presented below:


    Figure 2. Differences between the average face of handsome Hallyu male celebrities and the average face of flower boys


    The differences found by the facial analysis can be summarized as below:

    1. Shorter widthwise and longer lengthwise

    2. Thick and distinct eyebrows, sharp and relatively smaller eyes

    3. A narrower and longer nose than the average face of handsome Hallyu male celebrities

    4. A relatively small mouth

    5. Softer and less-pronounced cheekbones

    6. A relatively small and narrow jaw line


    The results indicate that the average face of flower boys has a more feminine contour and slightly sharp impression compared to the average face of handsome Hallyu celebrities. This also represents an attractive male face that is currently preferred by younger people. However, the BAPA facial analysis shows that their faces were not remarkably different in their facial balance and harmony. Apart from the shape of the jaw, the two faces were statistically almost similar in terms of facial balance and harmony.

    This study on the flower-boy face provides an objective and quantitative evidence supporting the differential preference for facial attractiveness by age. Additionally, it also suggests that this preference for flower-boy among younger people was not a temporary trend but a phenomenon of a relatively long history.

    A certain aesthetic preference or idea can be seen as a form of temporary trend by the media, which encourages and spreads such trends under the influence of socioeconomic factors. These preferences are, however, often established as a universal aesthetic concept that has been solidified and passed down through generations but hidden from plain view. Current preference for more feminine flower-boy face among the younger generation is a phenomenon that was also present in the past, not something that has appeared out of nowhere.

    The preference for flower-boy appears more prominent nowadays, possibly because younger women are the major consumers of the entertainment industry, such as music, TV show and drama, or it may signify that the relative socioeconomic status of Korean women has increased. Whichever that is, the preference for flower-boy among younger women is clearly based on historical facts.


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    In conclusion, facial preference or aesthetic point of view of a certain era varies in different race, ethnic group, sex and age. The public’s aesthetic concept may be born, die and sometimes become prominent under the influence of socioeconomic factors of the time. Such changes in aesthetic concept sometimes involve quite complex socioeconomic and philosophical meanings. Epistemologists and cultural anthropologists may need to analyze the meaning of current preference for flower-boy once again.

    In the next issue, we will discuss preferences for attractive faces by nationality.



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    4. Lee GH, Kim JH, A Study on the Facial Shapes of Korean Adult Women, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 33(6): 938-948, 2009.

    5. http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=371102&cid=85&categoryId=2643.


    -To be continued

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