• #2-5. Basic Knowledge of Hair Loss



    ▶ Previous Artlcle:  #2-4. Basic Knowledge of Hair Loss 



    Cytokine therapy, a non-surgical treatment for hair loss


    In 2015, there was a program called TAL TAL Camp(Hair loss avoidance camp) where complimentary hair loss treatments were provided to hair loss patients for 24 weeks in an attempt to highlight the effectiveness of non-surgical hair loss treatment.


    Among a large number of hair loss patients from all over the country, 20 were selected and divided into 10 groups comprised of 2 persons, and each group was randomly assigned to 10 hospitals specializing in hair loss treatment. 2 patients were also assigned to this author's clinic, one of whom was a man in his 20s, a typical androgenetic alopecia patient with very thin and sparse frontal hairs.



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    For frontal hairline and M-shaped hair loss, hair transplantation was commonly performed until recently, and the number of hair transplant centers specializing in hairline hair transplantation has also been on the increase.


    Although non-surgical treatment of frontal hair loss is not very effective, recent growth factors, stem cell culture medium, and PRP treatment have helped increase satisfaction with results of treatment even without surgery for hairline and M-shaped hair loss. 



    Figure 1. Before treatment of M-shaped hair loss(left top) / after 8 weeks after hair loss treatment (right top) / after 24 weeks of hair loss treatment (bottom)



    -To be continued

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