• #3-6. What Are the Causes of Hair Loss?



    ▶ Previous Artlcle : #3-5. What Are the Causes of Hair Loss? 



    In addition, thyroid disorders, vitamin and mineral deficiency or overdose, instant foods, greasy food, too much stress, lack of sleep, and going on an extreme diet can cause seborrheic hair loss.


    Sebaceous glands that secrete sebum are one of the major sites with 5-alpha reductase.


    Therefore, the more sebaceous glands develop, the more 5-alpha reductase increases, and the greasier the area of hair loss, the more DHT increases.



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    General Diseases


    Hair loss resulting from general diseases is characterized by a decrease in hair density, thinning hair, and easily falling hair, instead of occurring in the specific areas of the head.


    For those suffering from thyroid disorders, anemia, and diabetes, metabolic deterioration keeps keratinocyte cells from dividing themselves in the dermis of the scalp, which delays the hair’s transition from the telogen phase into the growing phase, ultimately leading to baldness.


    And other common diseases such as hypopituitarism, terminal cancer, ulcerative colitis, leukemia, TB, syphilis, anemia, and chronic renal failure can also cause hair loss.



    Figure 1. Thyroid gland diseases. 




    -To be continued

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