• #1-1. Total Rejuvenation Introduction



    Dr. Park Hyunkoun of Rodeo Clinic is known for his minimally invasive procedures such as dermal filler, botulinum toxin and thread lift, etc. He is currently the Academic Director of Korea Filler Academy Education and Research Academy and has extensive experience in academic research as well as clinical practice. He also leads frequent live surgery demonstrations in Korea and other countries. In this new series, Dr. Park will share with the readers his knowhow on dermal filler, botulinum toxin and thread techniques for total rejuvenation procedures. He will happily share his unique surgical techniques.


    Background for The Widespread Demand for Total Rejuvenation Treatments


    The market for aesthetic medicine is experiencing a rapid growth. Patients are seeking procedures that allow them to return to their normal activities quickly. Women make up the majority of patients receiving these treatments but the number of male patients is on the rise. Today’s consumers research various treatments on the internet and have more specialized demands for the doctor. It is difficult to find a perfect match between the doctor’s skills and what the patient wants. The discrepancy between what the doctor can do and what the patient expects from the treatment is a source of serious contention.


    The life expectancy is rising due to better medical technology, leading to a rapid increase in the elderly population. More people are seeking ways to fight aging and maintain their youthful health. Young people are also more interested in improving their looks. Such social trends are driving the developments in the anti-aging medicine. In this series, we will take a close look at some of the most popular rejuvenation procedures including botulinum toxin, filler injections as well as laser resurfacing, thread lift, skin tightening and mesotherapy. I would like to describe these procedures with an umbrella term ‘total rejuvenation’.


    <Figure 1> The depth, site, interval of treatment differ depending on the patient


    Background Knowledge Needed for Total Rejuvenation


    Patients often tell me they are confused about the difference between the effects of botulinum toxin and those of dermal filer injections. I myself also wonder if botulinum toxin can act as a filler and believe that a dermal filler can be used to replace botulinum toxin to a degree. At one time, I was at a dilemma as to which of the two procedures I should perform first to remove the glabella lines.


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    I found answers to these questions through long consultations with my patients. In most cases, I go with the patient’s demands, except for the aspects that have direct bearing on the safety and outcome.


    The recent trend seems to favor an overall natural appearance with one area showing a drastic change. With some of the treatments, I try to live up to the patient expectations and desires to be as attractive as they can be. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand what the patient expects from a treatment as well as what he or she sees as attractive. 


    -To be continued

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