• #6-1. Basics of dermal filler: Augmentation of wide area



    There are a wealth of different dermal filler products available in the market. This can cause confusion to users. It has become very difficult to choose the right filler for each procedure and patient. It does not help that there are many unverified theories about the physiognomic characteristics to consider for filler injection. I do not think it would be wise to follow these theories as they are not much more than hearsay. It is important for doctors to brush up on basics to avoid confusion. In this article, we will take a look at different types of dermal filler procedures. I hope our readers find this information helpful for strengthening their skills in dermal filler injection. I have categorized dermal filler procedures into three classifications as shown in Table 1.


    Table 1. Classification of dermal filler procedures.


    As shown in Table 1, “Augmentation of Wide Area” refers to a dermal filler used over an extensive area. The aim is to provide an overall rounded volume enhancement.  “Making shape” refers to creating a new shape, and “Volume Restoration Closely Related with Retaining Ligament” refers to a treatment that comes between “Augmentation of Wide Area” and “Making Shape.” It is for volume enhancement and creating shape in relation to the retaining ligament. Let us take a close look at the techniques involved in the first procedure, Augmentation of Wide Area.


    Dermal filler in the forehead and temple area


    The extensive areas of the face where the filler can be used include the forehead and temple. The challenge with this procedure is inserting the filler smoothly over an extensive area. The forehead poses a particular difficulty as the filler should spread over evenly without forming lumps. Injection in the nasolabial lines is quite simple if you can avoid the vascular passage. But this becomes more difficult in the forehead or temple as the blood vessels are spread over the wide area and it is not easy to avoid them.  


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    Then, how can we inject the filler so that it avoids dangerous structures and spreads evenly? Even if the patient wants only a certain area to be filled, one should persuade him or her of the importance of placing the filler over the entire area for an even appearance. It is necessary for the doctor to be deeply familiar with the structure of the forehead and aesthetic standards.  


    -To be continued

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