• [Product Review] Combination therapy of FCR, Fractional Treatment, MESO therapy and Peel(thermoceuitcal)

    The autumn is upon us with its cool breezes and clear blue sky. The summer heat takes a toll on the skin but we can try to strengthen and rejuvenate the skin in the milder autumn climate. Sufficient energy is required to effectively treat acne, pores, scar and signs of aging, etc. The recent development of fractional method allows delivery of sufficient energy while reducing damage.


    [Advertisement] FCR® (Fractional Prickle CoralCalcium Regentron) – Manufacturer: (www.illglobal.com)]


    Laser, micro needle therapy, and chemical peels are some of the procedures that may cause skin irritation. Among these, chemical peeling is preferred as the competition of the medical market intensifies, further lowering the prices. This makes it difficult to bring satisfactory results using a single method. Peeling is a low-cost treatment with high efficacy. It offers a wide range of treatment choices and can be combined with laser to enhance the effect.

    A type of chemical peel that is widely applied recently is FCR (fractional prickle coral calcium regeneration).



    In the FCR treatment, two activators are added according to the skin conditions to the mask powder containing 200㎛ of prickle coral calcium. The mixture is then rubbed onto the skin. FCR is a combination therapy that includes fractional treatment, MESO therapy and peel. The prickle penetrates deep into the dermis and continuously activates blood circulation and cell growth for 36~48 hours to accelerate cell regeneration. Peeling is performed 3-4 days after the active ingredients of activators are sufficiently absorbed through the prickle channels. There is a downtime of about 5-6 days.


    Key advantages of FCR treatment are; 1) Numerous, thin prickles minimizes pain and maximizes the natural regenerative activity of the skin, 2) Two types of activators are selected according to variable skin conditions to reduce side effects (for example, for a female patient in her 20s with sensitive, fine textured skin and Grade IV acne on both cheeks, Regentron Activa 4 pump is applied over the entire face first and DeAC Activa is applied on the cheeks only. The treatment can be customized to differing needs of each patient), 3) FCR’s Activators contain hydroxyl group and minimizes drying and tension during keratin turnover and the deeply penetrating prickles finely break and remove keratins causing minimal discomfort to patients’ daily lives, 4) PRP and MESO therapy can be performed on the same day for better effect in the following order – application for 10 minutes, drying for 10 minutes, soothing gel facial 10 minutes, removal, PRP and MESO therapy.

    The FCR mixture basically consists of 1 ts of powder and 4 pumps of Activa. The mixture ratio of DeAC Activa and Regentron Activa can be adjusted according to skin thickness and the seriousness of acne inflammation.


    Fine Texture – Regentron Activa 4 pumps

    Normal Texture – DeAC Activa 2 pumps + Regentron Activa 2 pumps

    Thick Texture – DeAC 4 pumps

    When FCR is performed alone, one treatment is given every two weeks over 3-4 times. The treatment frequencies in combination therapy are as following.



    By Dr. Lim Jonghyun(Gangnam Oracle Dermatology Clinic)


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