• [Product Review] Ultraskin is reliable, practical and easy to use

    Modern life carries  perception of beauty and wellness to different area. Modern people, want to get rid of all negative effects of daily life, with methods which are comfortable, efficient, direct and quickly. For this reason, surgical operations that could isolate the patient from social and from occupational needs are not prefered, instead of, non-surgical operations, which do not have any side effects are prefered. By this non surgical operation, patient can return to his/her Daily routine without any delay. USG systems(Ultraskin) is filling the gap at this point. At the surface of the skin, without causing any signs of inflammation(color, dolor, rubor, tumour),  we are creating a continously increasing and instant lifting effect at the surface of SMAS layer(Superficial muscular aponeurotic system) under influence of functional temperature(65°C). Side effects are minimal, patient accordance and satisfaction is increased due to immediate effects after the treatment. At August 2013 – August 2014 period, we treated 247 patients. Of these patients, 201 of them were female and 46 of them were males. The average age of female patients were 45,1 and the average age of male patients were 51,5. Patients who were treated with 4,5mm cartridge, with average of 1,5j energy, 1mm penetration values and the patients who where treated with 3,5mm cartridge, wih average of 0,9j of energy and 1mm penetration values. Satisfaction percentage of the patients after the treatment was 100%. 72% of these patients were very satisfied and 28% of the patients were satisfied.



    [Advertisement] Ultra Skin/Pastelle – Manufacturer: WONTECH(www.wtlaser.com)



    After 3 months from the treatment, percentage of patients who were satisfied and very satisfied were 87%(214 patients). 22 of the remaining patients who have decreased level of satisfaction, treated again with Ultraskin, the rest of the patients who have decreased level of satisfaction, treated again with other treatments(botox, filling, fractional RF etc..).


    After 6 months from the treatment, 11% of the satisfied group (23 patients) treated with additional procedure. 16 of these treatments with Ultraskin and 7 of them treated with other procedures.



    Our evaluation for the 6 month period based on these numbers;

    • 77% of the patients are satisfied with one treatment
    • 33 patients treated with additional procedure in 3 month period
    • 23 patients treated with additional procedure in 6 month period
    • After these treatment, either the patients who are satisfied with one treatment or had additional procedure are completely satisfied with the result.

    Ultraskin technology is reliable, practical and easy to use. It is succesfull with minimal side effects and high rate of customer satisfaction. We think that it will succesfull, bright and popular in 2015 as it is in 2014.




    Article/ Devrim Gursoy(Director, Mayasante Polikliniği, Turkey)


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