• [Issue]IVNT(Intravenous Nutrition Therapy) for Inner Beauty I

    Application of the IVNT to aesthetic medicine has brought about alpha-lipoic acid injection, also known as ‘Cinderella injection’, and glutathione injection, nicknamed ‘white jade injection’. The IVNT has recently been recognized for its potential benefit as an aesthetic treatment and became popular among patients and doctors. However, controversy exists over its efficacy due to lack of clinical data. A specialist who uses IVNT frequently shares his experience of applying the intravenous injection to aesthetic medicine.


    Dr. Hae-yong Eoh(Hilac Clinic).


    Dr. Jung-il Son(Nara Clinic).


    Introduction of an aesthetic clinic specializing in IVNT


    Every day, Dr. Jung-il Son’s office gets crowded with patients receiving the IVNT (Intravenous Nutrition Therapy). His practice specializes in this new treatment and patients are seen with an IV drip on their arm even in the waiting room and hallway outside the door.

    So far, the IVNT has been regarded as an adjunct to another treatment. However, it is increasingly being used as a main therapy. Aesthetic clinicians who once focused on surgery and laser are now turning to IVNT. The first academic conference of the Korean Medical Society for Intravenous Nutrition Therapy held last year was a resounding success and attended by around 800 specialists. Doctors who specialize in the IVNT say there has been a recent increase of patients seeking IVNT. Dr. Son shares his experience with IVNT.

    “Patients first recognized the potential of IVNT. My very first case of IVNT was a patient who had received IVNT protocol in Japan and requested the same treatment. I expected the demand to increase and started attending lectures of doctors who specialize in IVNT throughout Korea. I collected data from these lectures and data on different ingredients to create my own compendium on IVNT. My practice currently focuses on the IVNT as the main specialty.”

    Dr. Jae-hwan Lee of Hyo Sarang Family Medicine also views that the increased recognition of the society and patients is driving the recent popularity of IVNT.

    “In the past, people were either healthy or ill. But an increasing number of people are now in between; not ill but not quite healthy either. The number of people who believe themselves to be healthy has dropped 75% and the number of those who think themselves as semi-healthy has doubled. These patients who are neither healthy nor ill seek to be healthier and go through urinalysis or gene analysis to find the best treatment for them.”


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    Dr. Lee says more patients now think they need IV therapy to maintain their health.

    “Injecting rehabilitory factors before and after laser or surgical treatments at dermatology or plastic surgery practices can provide more effective after care. A common complication of laser is pigmentation and the original condition may even worsen without proper after care. Combination with IVNT can enhance the effects of laser and reduce side effects. This can increase patient satisfaction with the treatment and help differentiate your practice from others.”

    Dr. Gu-jin Lee of Mediens Clinic believes the change in patient needs as well as the tough challenges of the aesthetic market have contributed to the recent popularity of IVNT.

    “Doctors are finding it more difficult to make ends meet these days. I think many are seeing the IVNT as a new treatment to attract patients with. I think the skin is similar to the glass windows of a building. Good health is reflected by healthy and beautiful skin. Based on this principle, the IVNT has great potential in the field of aesthetic medicine. Combination with antioxidant and Vitamin C infusion can maximize skin rejuvenation.”

    Hilac Clinic is Korea’s first private practice to specialize in IVNT. Dr. Hae-yong Eoh decided to focus on IVNT with a firm belief in its benefits.

    “I closed my family medicine practice in Ansan of 8 years and started specializing in IVNT last year. I find IVNT more rewarding than treating a simple cold. As I was the very first in Korea to venture into this new treatment, I have a long way to go before the treatment is established but I believe that IVNT has a promising future.”


    Various applications of IVNT


    The IVNT has so far been used mainly in cancer patients and the largest proportion of its application is still in cancer. Patients with fatigue and viral diseases also seek IVNT. However, one can try various combinations and ingredients for the intravenous solution. Recently, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) has been introduced as a new ingredient for promoting antioxidative effect and providing minerals and revitalization. This new intravenous injection is used in an aesthetic dermatologic treatment and is also known in Korea as ‘Cinderella injection’ or ‘white jade injection’. Dr. Jung-il Son of Nara Clinic describes the benefit of IVNT as ‘Inner Beauty’.

    “If dermatology and plastic surgery pursue outer beauty, IVNT bring beauty from inside out. Many patients are seeking both types of beauty. They hope to maintain youth by keeping their inner organs healthy with IVNT. If dermatologists and plastic surgeons can provide treatments for both inner and outer beauty, patient satisfaction will increase.”

    Dr. Son recommends placenta, licorice and antioxidants as key ingredients used for revitalizing the skin.

    “Licorice helps modulate cortisol, a key stress hormone. Reducing stress levels can indirectly revitalize the skin as well.”

    Substances that can be added to the IV solution are numerous and specialists can develop their own concoction of beneficial ingredients to gain a competitive edge. For example, Dr. Jae-hwan Lee developed IV solutions frequently used in obstetrics for reducing morning sickness and promoting postnatal recovery.

    “The IV therapy can also be used in fertility treatments. Combining celenium and iodine, etc. raises the body temperature and the likelihood of conception. Celenium cannot be said to be a fertility treatment but can enhance the possibility for conception when used in various stages. The IVNT can provide fundamental treatment or strengthening the inner organs for healthier, glowing skin.”

    Dr. Gu-jin Lee thinks highly of the aesthetic effects of the IVNT.

    “Over 60% of my patients visit my practice for intravenous therapy. And about 30% of these patients seek the treatment for aesthetic effects. It is still low but I expect this proportion to increase. I recommend that patients receive once weekly injections for three months if they want to see aesthetic improvements. As the outcome is often left to the subjective assessment of the patient, it is important to increase the patient satisfaction. Patients with strong determination to get better tend to experience better results.”

    The IVNT is also used in university hospitals. Dr. Eun-soo Park, Professor of Plastic Surgery, Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital, says “I use nutrition therapy mainly in patients undergoing surgery with general anesthesia.”

    “I use Marinasol Inj. 8.5% in patients receiving general anesthesia. Patients undergoing surgery with general anesthesia fast for 8 hours before and 6 hours after surgery and are forbidden from oral intake of food during this time. Besides fasting, the surgery can cause stress to the body, leading to increased metabolism. The patient can easily be dehydrated or malnourished. I use IV therapy after the long fast to rapidly improve post-surgical nutrition and recovery. According to Amino acid supplementation is anabolic during the acute phase of endotoxin-induced inflammation: A human randomized crossover trial published in Clinical Nutrition, provision of amino acids in the inflammatory state and catabolism promotes protein synthesis and can be expected to bring therapeutic effect.”


    -To be continued-

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