• #2-2. Basic Principles of Skin Rejuvenation Booster and Penetration Methods for the Improvement of Clinical Effects



    ▶ Previous Artlcle: #2-1. Basic Principles of Skin Rejuvenation Booster and Penetration Methods for the Improvement of Clinical Effects



    If an optimal product suited to individual skin conditions is used by being effectively infused into the dermis using transdermal drug penetration and delivery systems such as iontophoresis, electrophoresis, and sonophoresis, following the use of an ablative fractional laser (AFL) such as microneedle therapy system (MTS), invasive bipolar needle radiofrequency, and CO2 fractional laser, patient satisfaction is expected to be raised.




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    In addition, enough acquaintance with differences in and differentiating features of each product’s substances as well as combinations of different substances would be of great help when having consultations with various types of outpatients in clinical practice, contributing to higher levels of patient satisfaction and further positively influencing hospital operation itself.


    In other words, it is advisable to adequately know the features and advantages of currently available multiple skin boosters by thoroughly comparing and analyzing them.


    If you are unfamiliar with a product mentioned by your patient just because your hospital does not have it, the patient’s reliability towards your hospital will be inevitably lowered, and any skin booster procedure to be recommended is unlikely to be trusted.


    In this issue, various types of skin rejuvenation boosters will be classified according to product family, and how to let active substances penetrate the skin more effectively will be discussed in order to improve the effects of skin booster procedures.




    Figure 2. Laminated Model of the Epidermal Basement Membrane.




    -To be continued

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