A previous animal study reported rapid reduction of bacterial colonies after negative pressure therapy and another study reported drastic…
Various bacterial colonies exist in a wound so it is very difficult to accurately determine the pathogen. Traditional bacterial…
In just a few days, several layers of microbes form over the surface of the matrix and these micro-colonies…
Microorganisms very rarely free-float or spread in isolation. In most cases, they attach to solid surfaces by forming polymers…
Follicle stem cells in the bulge have a few important stem cell functions. First, stem cells in the bulge…
Trigger Follicle Generation in Wounds
In 2007, Cotsarelis et al. at University of Pennsylvania discovered for the first time…
Harvesting from Follicle Bulge
A study on culture of stem cells harvested from follicle bulge succeeded in culturing…
The Speed of Hair Growth Cycle Can Depend on Individual Emotional Factors
Follicle cells at the follicle base continue…
In hair development, embryonic stem cell division occurs in pre-hair germ stage and hair root is generated in the…
Growth Factors That Influence Stem Cells
Stem cells cannot survive alone and are influenced by the environment, which…
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