Important scientific discoveries have always started with an observation. Profound scientific advancements have begun with an observation of a…
When it came to protecting the skin from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, the SPF, or the Sun Protection…
One thing to remember about reconstructive tattooing of scars is that unexpected outcomes are quite common. Even if the…
It is imperative that the tattoo technician first accurately communicate to the patient the type of his or her…
In the previous issue, we discussed latest trends in the reconstructive tattooing of scar tissues. The article served as…
In the fall, the skin has to face a colder and drier climate. The skin needs a specialized care…
Profile convexity
Profile convexity is a measure of the overall balance among the features of the facial profile.…
As I have repeatedly emphasized in my articles, classical facial analysis fail to provide any clarification in terms of…
Cause Analysis of Consultation Failure
It is important to have good counseling in the hospital, but more importantly,…
As the CRM and CS were applied to hospitals, customer satisfaction increased and the phenomenon could continue.
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